Consecration to Our Lady

Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora 2

At the Wedding at Cana, Mary anticipated Jesus’s hour, but she also anticipated her own hour as She who intercedes for us with God. The Mother of Cana is therefore the most perfect image of the Help of Christians in the gospel.
The Families of Cana were born at the Mary Help of Christians National Sanctuary, in Mogofores (Portugal), and have the Mother of Cana, venerated in a small oratory dedicated to her (Cana Prayer Corner) that stands in the shade of the Sanctuary, as their Queen.

According to tradition, Mary was already a widow at the Wedding at Cana.

Nevertheless, her life and the life of Jesus continued to reflect like a mirror the tenderness, care and love of Joseph, the guardian of the Sacred Family. From the very beginning, and throughout her whole life, the “yes” of Mary required the “yes” of Joseph, and so both one and the other were “servants of the Lord”. So we also want to place our families into the care of Joseph just as God the Father placed Jesus into Joseph’s care.

As the Families of Cana renew their consecration to Mary every day, they imitate Joseph, the first ever person to be consecrated to Our Lady.

Like children that place themselves in the care and tenderness of their Mother, before even being conscious of it, the members of the Families of Cana also consecrate themselves without need for any previous preparation except absolute confidence in Our Lady and unconditional love for Her.


Lúcia com terço“Mary Help of Christians, Mother of Cana,
Teach us to do whatever Jesus tells us”


“Mary Help of Christians, Mother of Cana,
Today and forever we consecrate our family to you.
We trust in your motherly intercession,
That in our house we will never want for
the wine of faith, of hope and of love.
Make us servants of the Lord
like you and Joseph your husband
And teach us to do whatever Jesus tells us.

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