Families of Cana meet with Jesus in the sacraments:
Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist
The Wedding at Cana announces the mystery of the Cross on which Jesus shed His bl
ood as the “best wine” kept for last. The Eucharist is the memory and th
e realisation of the mystery of the Cross, and so it too is announced in the Wedding at Cana, where everybody drank the wine of Jesus until they were satisfied; the win
e of the new and everlasting covenant. It is at this Source of Life (cf. Jn 19:34) that the Families of Cana fill their clay water jars.
Families of Cana are truly Eucharistic families. Sunday mass is the high point and centre of their lives, and as such they try to prolong it whenever possible in strong moments of Eucharistic adoration. As a sign of joy, festivity and of the union present in the mystery of the Wedding at Cana, Families of Cana endeavour to participate in Sunday mass as a family. Not all of the family members can receive holy communion, but each one, without exception, can be saved by the Eucharistic love of Jesus just like the roman centurion, “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.” (cf. Mt 8:8).
In order to live in deep union with one another and with God as announced in the mystery of the Wedding at Cana, it is necessary to make a continued effort towards reconciliation, asking for and offering forgiveness. For the Families of Cana, sacramental confession is the response to the statement of Our Lady, “They have no wine”. Each time the wine runs out the Families of Cana are invited to a sacramental reconciliation with God and with one another through the blood shed by Jesus, the wine of the new and everlasting Covenant (cf. Lk 22:20).
Families of Cana confess very regularly, including children, from the first moment they become conscious of their sin. Even couples that cannot receive sacramental absolution are invited to confess their sins, conscious that humility is heaven’s door.
Anointing of the Sick
In accordance with the doctrine of the Church, Families of Cana receive the sacrament of the anointing of the sick whenever necessary, when one of their members is gravely ill or when the hour of death is close. This sacrament also occurs in the atmosphere of the Wedding of Cana, with total confidence in God who gives life and death, who makes miracles and for whom nothing is impossible, and with the joyful hope of finally meeting the only Spouse that can satisfy the deepest human yearnings for happiness.
Holy Orders
At the Wedding at Cana, Jesus is the Priest who turns the water into wine. There are no Families of Cana without priests, who are the ministers of the new and everlasting covenant (cf. Lk 22:20). Therefore, Families of Cana endeavour to be a true family for their parish priest, welcoming him and putting themselves at his service, available to do everything he says insofar as he is the interpreter of God’s will.
Families of Cana pray to the Lord from the harvest asking Him to send workers to the harvest (cf. Mt 9:38) and rejoice when the Lord calls to their houses for brothers, nuns and priests. A vocation to the priesthood is the greatest gift the Lord can give them.